Links I’ve used to learn during the development of Atomic2D
Atomic2D development YouTube playlist
- This person has AMAZING videos on chemistry lessons for those wanting to learn more.
Structure of solid ice
Difference between carbon double and single bonds
Functional Group Names
Why Argon is a nobel gas when it’s outer valence shell isn’t full
Journey to the Microcosmos
this YouTube channel has the most incredible videos that explore the micro world
Cellular respiration
Plasma membrane repair
Game UI Database
Overlapping sphere
Why project breaks after adding assembly file to scripts folder
How to do smooth camera zoom scrolling
Edge camera scrolling
Unity Drag and Drop Tutorial
How to do a tooltip
Unity Input System Design
Fullscreen by Default
Async/Await vs Coroutines in Unity
Unity UI Tutorial
Unity Open Project
- Open source project made by Unity to help define best practices.
The Purpose of ScriptableObject vs Normal Class
Unity Hotswapping Notes
Unity: Stop physics time without stopping camera
Unity: How to quit the game
Unity: How to make a settings menu
Unity: Overview of DOTS
Unity: Tutorial on DOTS
Unity: example DOTS use cases
Unity: how to capture an image of what the main camera sees
Generic Types and Static Members